Dyon, a scripting language for Rust game engines, is getting close to v0.8. For the v0.8 release, I want to polish the type checker a bit before publishing on crates.io, which might take some time. This is why I write this article about the features beforehand, so you know what to expect from the next release.

A summary of Dyon v0.7

Dyon does not use a garbage collector, but a lifetime checker. There is no borrow checker like in Rust. You annotate arguments with the lifetime of another argument that it outlives:

fn foo(a: 'b, b) { ... } // `a` outlives `b`

There is a 'return lifetime to tell that an argument outlives the return value:

fn foo(a: 'return) -> { ... }

You can assign to return like it was a normal local variable, then let the function exit the scope.

fn foo() -> { return = 3 }

Dyon has a similar object model to Javascript. You declare variables with :=:

a := [1, 2, 3] // array
b := {x: 0, y: 0} // object
c := true // bool
d := 5.3 // float with 64 bit precision

A variable with same name shadows the previous one:

a := 0
a := false
println(a) // prints `false`

To mutate a variable, you use = which performs a check that the type is the same:

a := 0
a = false // ERROR: Expected assigning to a `bool`

Objects can override the type of a property with :=, which also inserts a key if it does not exists:

a := {}
a.x := 0 // Inserts `x: 0`

There is no null, but you can use opt or res, which are similar to Option and Result in Rust:

a := some(5.3)
b := ok(5.3)

You can propagate errors with ?, which is similar to the try! macro in Rust:

fn foo() -> {
    x := bar()? // return error if something wrong happened in `bar`
    return ok(x > 3)

_ := unwrap(foo()) // Shows a trace if something went wrong.

Example of an error message:

 --- ERROR --- 
main (source/test.dyon)

Something went wrong!
In function `foo` (source/test.dyon)
6,10:     x := bar()?
6,10:          ^

2,17:     _ := unwrap(foo())
2,17:                 ^

Dyon supports declaring functions the same way as in mathematics:

f(x) = x/(x-1)
pi() = 3.14

When mutating an argument, you put mut in front of it:

fn foo(mut a) { ... }

When calling a function that mutates an argument, you also put mut in front of the argument:

a := [1, 2, 3]
foo(mut a)

Named argument syntax based on snake case:

foo(bar: x) // named argument syntax

If expression:

a := if b < c { 0 } else { 1 }

Traditional For loop:

for i := 0; i < 10; i += 1 { ... }

Short For loop:

for i 10 { ... }
for i [2, 10) { ... } // with offset

Mathematical loops, with unicode symbol alternatives:

x := sum i { list[i] }
x :=  i { list[i] }
y := any i { list[i] == 0 }
y :=  i { list[i] == 0 }
z := all i { list[i] > 0 }
z :=  i { list[i] > 0 }
min_val := min i { list[i] }
max_val := max i { list[i] }

Infinite loop, like in Rust:

loop { ... }
'name: loop { break 'name } // break out of loop `name`

Dynamic modules allows a flexible way of organizing code:

m := unwrap(load("script.dyon"))
call(m, "main", [])

Import modules to the prelude when loading a new module:

m := unwrap(load(source: "script.dyon", imports: [window, graphics]))

Optional type system, that complains when proven wrong:

fn could(list: []) -> f64

Go-like coroutines for multi-threading, using the go keyword:

t := go do_something(a, b)
res := unwrap(join(thread: t))

4D vectors:

a := (x, y) // same as `(x, y, 0, 0)`
b := #ff00aa // HTML hex color encoded as 4D vector

Upcoming features in v0.8

dobkeratops had a brilliant idea: What if For loops inferred the range from the body, just like in mathematical notation?

// No need to type `len(list)`, because Dyon figures it out by looking at the code.
for i {

This gave me another idea, which was to pack loops of same kind together:

// Set random weights in neural network.
for i, j, k {
    tensor[i][j][k] = random()

Then to make /any and /all loops work nicely min/max, I added a feature called “secrets” that gives you the indices from any composition of these loops:

x :=  i { max j { list[i][j] } < 0.5 }
if x {
    pos := why(x) // `[i, j]`

A secret propagates from the left argument of binary operators.

There is a why(bool) -> [any] and where(f64) -> [any].

You can add information to a secret with explain_why(bool, any) -> bool and explain_where(f64, any) -> bool:

x := any i { explain_why(did(person: person[i], said: "Doh!"), "Are you Homer Simpson?") }
if x {
    pos := why(x) // `[i, question]`
    ask(person: person[pos[0]], question: pos[1]) // Asks "Are you Homer Simpson?"

Dyon does not have globals, but uses a ~ to mark variables as “current object” for its scope:

fn main() {
    ~ settings := init_settings()

// `foo` calls `bar` without knowing about `settings`
fn foo() {

fn bar() ~ settings {
    // Can use `settings` as if it was a function argument.

To make code scale with size of project, but work nicely with dynamic modules, I added ad-hoc types:

// `Character` is not declared, but has an inner type `{}`.
fn new_character(name: str) -> Character {} {
    return {name: name}

fn greet_character(character: Character {}) {
    println("Hi " + character.name + "!")
    println("How are you doing?")

// Can pass values of the inner type.
greet_character({name: "Homer"})

This works for checking physical units:

fn main() {
    println(km(3) + m(5))

fn km(val: f64) -> km f64 { val }
fn m(val: f64) -> m f64 { val }

Addition of same ad-hoc types are allowed, but multiplication is not allowed for same ad-hoc types, since this often changes the physical unit.

Type mismatch: Binary operator can not be used with `km f64` and `m f64`
2,21:     println(km(3) + m(5))
2,21:                     ^

Dyon has a link type, which stores bool, f64 and str efficiently. It also puts them together faster than using arrays.

a := link { "hi" 5 " "true" man show" }
println(a) // prints `hi5 true man show`

You can use head and tail to process a link:

fn main() {
    a := link {"hi" 5 " "true" man show"}
    loop {
        head := head(a)
        if head == none() { break }
        a = tail(a)

A link inside a link gets flattened, which is useful when generating text documents.

For example, you could have a smart html sanitizing function that understood tags, and then you could generate a web page any way you liked, as long as you use separate tokens for tags. Perhaps a nice idea for a web framework?

fn main() {
    title := "Welcome to my website"
    data := get_data()
    loop {
        respond(web_page(html(link {

// Sanitize html.
fn html(input: link) -> link { ... }
fn menu(data: Data{}) -> link { ... }
fn overview(data: Data {}) -> link { ... }

4D vectors now has a “unpacking” feature:

fn main() {
    v := (1, 2)
    // Call `foo` with 2 arguments.
    foo(xy v)

fn foo(x: f64, y: f64) { ... }

This works well with snake_case named argument syntax:

fn main() {
    v := (1, 2)
    foo(x_y: xy v)

fn foo_x_y(x: f64, y: f64) {}

You can also swizzle vector components:

v := (1, 2, 3)
u := (zy v,) // (3, 2)

And you can use vec2/vec3/vec4 un-loops to unroll the loop and set rest of components to 0:

v := vec3 i i+1 // `(1, 2, 3, 0)`

There is a s(v: vec4, ind: f64) -> f64 function that returns a component of a 4D vector.

I also added some macros to make embedding with Rust easier:

dyon_fn!{fn say_hello() { println!("hi!"); }}

You still need to register functions, because Dyon needs type + lifetime information. I recommend checking out the functions example for more information.

That is all for now!